You get scared and decide that it's not to late to turn back. All this talk of never returning from out of the bridge had finally gotten to you. This was you're last chance to back out, you're last hope in choosing your fate. You try to explain to the Dwarfs that you can't go through with it, the pressure is too much. You're life is too precious and you don't want to lose it. The Dwarfs try to convince you that the risk of death is very slim. You stand your ground, you can't risk it no matter how big the reward. The Dwarfs offered you more and more riches, but you still refuse. You explain that it doesn't mean that much to you and you hope they luck by themselves. You mount your pony and turn to leave for home with Barron. You bid them farewell and good luck. You are on your way home and felt that you had made the right decision. You can't help but wonder what it would have been like to have that adventure.